
Feb 19, 2018 00:00 · 264 words · 2 minute read safety

A drone that guards a region against other UAVs entering an area. It will send a warning, jam signals, detect the UAV’s vulnerabilities, and attack it without hurting civilians. The drone will be always monitoring the premises and report all intruders.


  • Secret Service
  • Private Property
  • Military
  • Airports

Is this really a problem?

Unfortunately, drones may serve as strong tools for terroism1, 3, which is one reason it is becoming more and more regulated. Swarms of drones have already attacked a Russian military base2 and experts believe that there will be more attacks in the future because drones can quickly release smalll bombs, can be armed, and are affordable.

Articles - 1: Swarm attack from armed drones pose grave threat to Trump - 2: A swarm of armed drones attacked a Russian military base in Syria - 3: “We do know that terrorist organizations have an interest in using drones…We have seen that overseas already with some frequency. I think that the expectation is that it is coming here, imminently.” - FBI Director, Christopher Wray

AttackDrone vs Gun

  • The introduer UAVs may be a fast moving target and this drone will take care of it without
    • firing bullets
    • causing an alarm
  • This is still a very ninche application and gun use may be more cost effective and can be used for multiple other purposes.

AttackDrone vs Signal Jammers/Magnets

  • Signal Jammers and strong magnets will be more effective at keeping drones off premises.

Current Developments